Press Release

On February 3, 2021, the International, Democratic University of Students (UniS) welcomed its first students. UniS is a new post-scarcity, post-credential, post-institutional socio-educational media where students can study what they want, how they want, and with whoever they want, free of charge.  

UniS is an encounter of its students. Everybody interested in their self-education is welcome to become a member of the University of Students regardless of their age, place of living, or educational interests. UniS promotes students’ encounters and dialogues through edu-clubs, one-time events, and other educational forms, organized by the students, where students are the leaders of their own learning. There are no pre-planned courses, programs, assignments, exams, grades, periods, terms, bureaucracy. UniS students author all aspects of their self-education whether this is completely self-directed, or trusting expert/teacher support, or any imaginative combination they find meaningful. UniS is not about credentials, standards, curricula, exams, or teachers. UniS is its students in an encounter. 

UniS with its planetary-scale and diverse, multilingual, international student body responds to the current social, economic, cultural, geopolitical, and environmental challenges. The pandemic has created a world of increasing uncertainty and unknown. The age of information is behind us, the age of self-education is coming. UniS takes students’ self-education to the next evolutionary level of social media as educational media or socio-educational media. The socio-educational media allows people to develop their own self-studies, find, and invite other people who want to join them. 

Currently, on April 24th, 2021, UniS has 111 members, 5 active edu-clubs, 2 edu-clubs in preparation to launch, and several one-time educational events:

UniS offers the first, one-of-a-kind, socio-educational media space. People from all walks of life participate in a leisurely inquiry in search of self-actualization, self-realization, imagination, creativity, critical examination, and self-determination. They author their life, their education, and their future in the increasingly unknown and uncertain world pregnant with new challenges and new exciting possibilities.

Will our endeavor succeed, will it be claimed by people, will it overcome the current pressures of scarcity, institutionalization, and credentialism? The question will be answered by those people who find the University of Students helpful for themselves and who join us.

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University of Students (UniS) is a non-profit project. It is an educational space, online and offline, built on horizontal connections among people and among the communities that emerge here.