Our Philosophy

We want to invite you to join us in a unique experimental learning experience. The University of Students is based on the idea that a student is the author of their own education. The University of Students exists for us, as the students, by the students, through the students. We, as students, are free to choose and decide for ourselves whether – what – how – where – when – and with whom to study. These decisions can be made by a student alone, with peer students, and/or with a pedagogue (advisor, teacher, professor, professional expert, etc.) if desired or needed. According to our vision, we support a student’s interest through a rich learning environment. When you join the University of Students, you will have diverse opportunities for socializing with people of similar and different interests and expertise, for observation of and participation in many diverse activities and dialogues, for resources to start a new project, and for other diverse sources of help. We aim to do everything to support your self-directed learning experience. The idea behind the University of Students is not new, it existed in diverse forms for about 500 years in Southern Europe.
University of Students (UniS) is a non-profit project. It is an educational space, online and offline, built on horizontal connections among people and among the communities that emerge here.

The following fragment from the comedy "Accepted" (2007) illustrates our philosophy: